Stress-related symptomatology, trauma, and PTSD
Anxiety and chronic worrying
Depression and hopelessness
Anger management
Shame/Guilt deep feelings
Difficult Cycles in the Life of Expats
Culture adaptation and Culture Shock
Low Self-Esteem
Victims of sexual violence
Big Life Transitions
Relationships conflicts (significant ones or work colleagues)
Career/Job (feeling failure, dissatisfaction, burn-out)
Alcohol/Drugs Addiction
Family Concerns
Grief and Loss
Duration of the session: the face-to-face psychotherapeutic sessions last 50 min, but the e-sessions are 60 min so that there is time to fix possible technical problems.
Respect of time: the 60 minutes of e-session must be respected by both the client and the therapist so as not to make the next client wait and give the psychologist time to take a 5-minute break and thus be fully present for you.
Periodicity of the session: depending on your situation, your psychotherapist can recommend weekly sessions, biweekly, or monthly.
The length e-psychology: it will vary from client to client, as each person progresses at a different pace. A reasonable minimum is usually 12 sessions if it is a specific problem. On the other hand, to heal complex or childhood traumas, the process can be lengthened.
It is recommended to find a place where the client feels safe and cannot be interrupted or overheard.
It is recommended to carry out e-sessions or online sessions from a desktop computer, laptop, or iPad to enjoy a good screen where the psychologist can see the movements and body posture of the client. If you do not have a computer or iPad, the session can be carried out by video call on Whatsapp.
The client will look for a place in the house or office where there is a good internet connection. Even with a good connection, there are times when the connection decreases the quality of the picture or sound. In these cases, the client should naturally inform the psychologist and wait a few seconds for the good connection to be restored. If this happens, the psychologist will take it into account to extend the session the lost time.
It is recommended that the client and the psychologist are in direct contact by Whatsapp to communicate if the connection is broken or even continue the video call by phone.
Five minutes before the e-session the psychologist will send you the link to the online application that will be used. It is not necessary for the client to have the application downloaded, since the link opens automatically.
We can use Google Meet, WhatsApp video, Teams, or any other platform in which you feel comfortable.
The regularity and client's involvement in the process will accelerate the benefits of e-psychotherapy.
It is also important that the client feels comfortable and trusts the psychologist. If this is not the case, it can be treated in the e-session, since it may be due to the fact that the client is making a transference with the psychologist that is important for his healing. If the conversation does not help to improve the therapeutic alliance, it will be better to end the therapy by giving closure that will help the client in his life process. If you want, the psychologist can refer you to another colleague.
The communication between client and psychologist is sincere in order to deepen the process and to produce lasting and positive changes.
Confidentiality: All e-psychotherapy records are strictly confidential and kept in safe and secure storage. Information is shared only with the client's written permission. Exceptions to confidentiality are rare and include when a person poses a threat to his/her safety or the safety of someone else or when it is ordered.
We focus on the Humanist Approach that emerged from the work of great psychologists such as Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, Rollo May, and Victor Frankl to name a few.
Humanism developed a new way of seeing the human being since even taking into account his existential conflicts, I also feel that he is full of possibilities to develop positive growth and change in his life.
In practice, the work of the humanistic psychotherapist focuses on the therapeutic relationship, a human, authentic, close and honest relationship to achieve the resolution of the existing conflict at an emotional level.
Within the humanistic approach, we consider ourselves integrative humanistic psychotherapists, since we also use other techniques and methodologies typical of other currents of psychotherapy.
This therapeutic relationship is intended solely to benefit the person receiving therapy. The integrative humanistic psychotherapist does not give advice or direct the lives of his clients. He supports, accompanies, and pays attention to those issues or blocked emotions that are interfering with the autonomy and fullness of the person.
We consider the human being as a whole with body, emotions, and thoughts. All need to be addressed in e- psychotherapy.
The main approaches will be:
Carl Rogers Person-Centered Therapy
Greenberg Emotion-Focused Therapy
Peter Levine body-center Therapy
Evidence-based interventions from Positive Psychology.
Focusing or bodily felt sense,
Eye Movement Integration (EMI)
Gestalt techniques
Techniques that we will be using are cognitive-behavioral, coming from Aron Beck and Albert Ellis' work.
Promoting your Resilience is as important as Healing your present and past traumas
I believe that releasing your difficulties is as important as promoting your resilience as a protective factor. When building your resilience we will be using evidence-based tools from Positive Psychology:
Improve your self-awareness to understand yourself better. How do you feel, think, and behave when activating events occur.
Learn self-regulation, regulate impulses, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, acquire skills to stop counterproductive thinking, and manage your energy.
Promote optimism, to identify what is controllable, and maintain hope in difficult situations and significant life changes;
Increase self-efficacy, successfully solving problems and setting goals;
Identify your character strengths and use them to overcome stress, and challenges and meet goals;
Nurture personal relationships through effective communication and empathy.
We can overcome our challenging personal situations through psychotherapy, rising from the ashes like the phoenix, having a purposeful life, and accomplishing our dreams. A life worth living‼!

I do two different types of sessions, including psychotherapy and biofeedback-psychotherapy sessions. You can check the prices here on this page too.
You can book online at this website, or you can write to me at "CONTACT" to make an online appointment. I will answer you in a maximum of two days.
Remember that payment is in advance for the session. You can also Pay very easy through this website.