Mental Health
Services Assessment
We have been assessing mental health needs and psychosocial needs and resources in Sud Kivu Province since 2014 when we identify a very worrying situation among different layers of the population. All minor victims of sexual violence presented some mental disorder after 6 months of the traumatic event. The same thing happened with the child soldiers after 6 months of leaving the rebel group. The mental health of 215 women was also evaluated, where 99.07% of the women evaluated presented pathological symptoms and 45.12% of women presented post-traumatic stress.
Since then, we have improved our designing experience and the implementation, analyzing, and reporting of qualitative and quantitative assessment methods in humanitarian settings.
We have been recognized for our open and effective way of working with clients, developing the assessment from phase zero to the final phase in a participatory and inclusive manner.
We are known as bridge builders between organizations during our assessments in the mental health sector. Therefore, since phase 0, we coordinate with the stakeholders, such as the government, sector leads, representatives of the target group, and other humanitarian actors if it is the case. Unmistakably, beneficiaries of the services have a predominant space in participatory group interviews and key informants.
For us, the social conditions that affect mental health and psychosocial needs in a community come from various sectors, not only from the health sector. Therefore, our analyzes turn out to be complete and enlightening, but efficiently designed with a focus on action and not wasting resources.
We apply the ethical principles to conduct the assessment and we train the team on them. Every interviewer will respect privacy, and confidentiality, and will inform the interviewee and request voluntary participation, always in their best interest.
As providers of mental health care, we are sensitive to trauma, local context, and balanced in terms of gender.
Our data collection methods are updated using technology to avoid human mistakes. Thanks to them we can rapidly collect and store data on the perspectives of local community members and other stakeholders about mental health and psychosocial support.